The consort of Lord Shiva, who fulfils all our spiritual and material desires. We salute to the auspicious one, the giver of auspiciousness. Sharanye Trayambake Gouri Naarayani Namostute ।। Durga Stuti Translation In English Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvaartha Saadhike । Devotees believe that submitting themselves to the Goddess is a form of meditation that makes the mind ‘holy’ just as the body becomes holy by bathing in the Holy River Ganges. In Durga Stuti, Goddess is described as the power behind Shiva, who grants wishes to her devotees and is also the creator, preserver as well as the destroyer of all. The meaning of Durga Stuti is elaborated in the following paragraphs. It is a way to please the Goddess and invite her help and blessing in times of distress. Durga Stuti is chanted by the devotees at the time of praying to the Goddess to invoke her blessings.